C64 Backyard Shed Find

C64 Backyard Shed Find

After posting this video, I learned how particular the viewers are, and how on point you must be on the video. I took flack for daring to place the C64 housing on bare cement if even doing so gently. I also had complaints saying this was not a restoration, which really it is not. It was more of a cleanup and see if it works type of thing. I took the video down for about a year before re-posting with a new thumbnail.

Gray Defender

This is a Commodore 64 that was recently given to me. It was just a little bit dusty, as it was sitting in a backyard shed for who knows how many years and was in need of a little love.

C64 1541 Ultimate 2 (rev 1)
Purchased from : http://1541ultimate.net/

Ray Carlsen’s website:

C64 Still in use in Poland:

Installing C64c Kickstarter case:

Youtube Original Post Date: 10/15/2016

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