Zero Dark Thirty

I watched this film yesterday at the theater in Ontario. It stars Jessica Chastain and Jason Clarke and was directed by Kathryn Bigelow. It told the complete story of the hunt for and capture of UBL, Usama Bin Laden. Jason Clarke plays a CIA analyst responsible for extracting information from captured informants using all means necessary, including torture techniques, such as waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and good ole fashion beatings. Having watched the 60 Minutes special on the capture of UBL and having read the book “No Easy Day” by the person who shot him, I can say that this film, in my opinion, followed the facts presented to the tee. Jessica Chastain plays the main CIA agent responsible for putting together all of the pieces of the puzzle, including tracking down UBL’s main currier who eventually leads them to his compound. She was fantastic in this film. She made you believe she was deeply invested in UBL’s capture. Overall, the film felt real.


There was a scene at the Marriot hotel in Pakistan where there was a car bomb that went off. It felt real when it went off and it caught me by surprise, causing me to almost sort of spring my head back in reaction. That was so cool. There were a few other bombings in the film that had a similar effect.

The ending of the film, including the ultimate capture and extraction of UBL followed the book, exactly, but the film made it feel real, putting you in the action. For me, this is one of the best films I’ve seen in years, probably since it was a true story and it was so well done, certainly the best film I have viewed thus far in 2012.

I have no problem believing everything that happened in the film, including the torture scenes which our government has publicly denied happened. I cannot recommend this film enough, five stars.


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