The Robber (2010)

This was a foreign film with subtitles.  It pretty much had you gripped from beginning to end.

It was really unclear from the film why he murdered his parole officer other than being irritated with him.  I mean from that scene had he just walked away without committing the murder he could’ve gone on with his life and business as usual robbing, robbing, robbing.  Also to me, it was unclear why he robs so much.  He was a world-class athlete or at least a European class athlete and he could make money winning these marathons that he participated in.  I will say the point at which he commits the murder is the point at which this film really starts getting interesting.  This is where the chase begins, where he’s eluding the police, where you think he is going to be caught, but somehow he slips away, it was very interesting.   This film was very close to being a five-star review if it weren’t for these slight problems but I would still recommend it.


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