The Iron Lady

This was an interesting film starring Meryl Streep as Margaret Thatcher, the first female prime minister of the United Kingdom. The story was told more or less from the point of view of Margaret Thatcher in her later years often looking back to her younger years.  The movie depicts her as having hallucinations or possibly Alzheimer’s disease.  She has flashbacks of her earlier years in Parliament and she has hallucinations of her husband Denis who passed away but still keeps her company in her later years.  As sad as it is I actually like the idea that someone might be able to actually speak to your partner who’s passed away as if they’re really here and have them be able to comfort you and keep you company, rather then be lonely and depressed.   Having researched her Wikipedia page I was unable to confirm this diagnosis of Alzheimer’s but there must be some truth to it for the moviemakers to have taken this direction.  Meryl Streep’s acting was spot on, as usual, she’s a terrific actress, however, the plot of the movie focused more on Margaret Thatcher the person and less on Margaret Thatcher the politician.  I know this may rub a lot of people the wrong way.  I think maybe if they would’ve focused more on the politics during her reign, this could’ve been a great film but instead, it was just okay for me.  The film ended with Margaret Thatcher packing up all of her husband’s stuff as a euphemism for getting him out of her life and perhaps maybe even being healthy/maintaining her sanity.  Ended on a bit of a downer note.  Although I know it’s not entirely true, the film kind of showed her living her life mostly lonely and that was how it ended, it was kind of sad.


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