Edladdin Super Twin 78 – Contest Win!!


Edladdin Super Twin 78 – Contest Win!!

Youtube Original Post Date: 08/04/2015

In 2015 won this controller, the Super Twin 78 by Edladdin controllers, by having the luckiest entry in the No Swear Gamers Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast. It goes without saying this is a terrific controller and this video demonstrates that.

I would like to thank Phil the No Swear Gamer and Ed Kelly from Edladdin.com for making this happen.

Robotron 2084 comes to life at last on the Atari 7800 with the Super Twin 78! Or play side-by-side with another player on any Atari 2600, Atari 7800, or Atari joystick compatible system or computer.

Phil’s Atari 7800 Game by Game Podcast:


Edladdin Information:


