Eight Bit Magazine Issue 1 | Overview


Eight Bit Magazine Issue 1 | Overview

“Eight Bit” magazine was a Kickstarter that was successfully funded on May 8, 2016. Their concept was to create, and I am quoting

“A full colour printed magazine covering all topics regarding eight bit microcomputers from the 70’s to the early 90’s.”

And that is exactly what they have done. The magazine reminds me a lot of the recently released Reset magazine Vol 8.5 released with the Commodore 64 in Pixels Kickstarter. They are the same style of design, size and shape.

I pledged just enough to grant me a physical copy of the issue, 6 euros, a bargain. There were further options such as adding your name to the magazine or even contributing to future issues that were offered as kickstarter perks.

If you were one of the backers or if you managed to pick up a copy of the magazine you may have noticed that pages 27-28 are missing from Issue 1. According to the Eight-Bit Magazine Facebook page this was a printing error. The pages should have included photos of a the Galaxy computer and they will be included in a future issue. Speaking of future issues, a facebook post dated July 4th, mentions “details on Issue 2 will be released soon”, I can’t wait.

If you missed out on this deal, do not fret, you can still pick it up on Ebay for 6 Euros + 2 Euro for shipping. They are launching a website called ‘eightbitmagine.com’, but in the meantime you can read all about it in their facebook page. This is a great little magazine with a lot of content, something for everyone. Highly Recommended.

Youtube Descripiton:

Eight Bit Magazine Issue 1

Kickstarter link:

Reset Magazine Website:

Eight Bit Magazine Facebook Page:

Pick up this item on EBAY while supplies last:

Official website (coming soon):

Youtube Original Post Date: 07/15/2016

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