The Man from Earth (2007)

This was a pretty interesting film.  It’s about a guy who claims that he’s been alive for over 14,000 years.  But not only does he claim to have been alive that long but he also has the memories that go along with that claim to back it up.  The majority of the film is spent inside a house that he’s moving out of, with some of his professor friends who are grilling him about his claim.  They wanted to know answers to some basic information, where has he been, who he has met in his lifetime, etc.  This is where the film kinda goes south a little bit for me.


Okay, he claims that he’s been alive so many years but I find it very difficult to believe that he would have met Buddha and learned from him, that was one of his outrageous claims.  Even more startling than that, he claims that he is the son of God, Jesus Christ.  He didn’t actually say that he was the son of God but he did say that he was Jesus Christ and that he was the one that was crucified with a slight alteration, they didn’t actually put nails through his wrists, they just used ropes.  Those were the two main things that are difficult to get past.  Then there was the old gentleman professor that was with them who we find out is this man’s son.  This is a lot more believable for someone that has been alive for 14,000 years, the idea that he would have kids who are older than him since he’s not aging and he would have had many kids that would have died.  In fact, it wouldn’t be hard to understand that if you lived that long everybody that you know right now would be dead in 100 years and you have to constantly be moving around so nobody would notice that you’re not aging.  That’s what was interesting about the movie, it was a provoking experience, a good idea I believe it could have been executed a little bit better.


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