I had high hopes for this remake. Having seen the original in the eighties and not again, since. I will not be able to draw upon the differences. I understand that the special effects have much improved since then and they were pretty good in this film. I am also a big fan of the main star, Joel Kinnaman, having seen him in the TV series “The Killing“.
The plot revolves around the idea that a large corporation has successfully created an army of autonomous robots but these robots had been banned in the US. Domestically the people did not fully trust the robots. This leads to the CEO, played by Michael Keaton, to concoct this human/robot hybrid. Finding the right person for the job would not be easy. When Kinnaman’s character was blown up with a car bomb, this provided Keaton with an in. Now, how they actually showed him merged into the robot was interesting. Actually, I believe it would have been medically impossible since I remember from High School biology, the human body cannot survive without the intestinal tract. All that was left of his physical body were his heart/lungs and his head. The key for Keaton was to properly converge the two without losing military performance. How can they accomplish that? Hmmm, lower his dopamine levels that will do the trick!