This is a horror flick starring Daniel Radcliffe from the Harry Potter series. I don’t know why but for some reason I always get him confused with Elijah Wood from Lord of the Rings. I watched this film yesterday from a Netflix DVD and my overall view of the film is that it was interesting. It wasn’t an over-the-top horror flick, it was more of a subtle type of horror movie where you might not be paying attention, then something scary happens. Here’s a quick overview of the film. It is set approximately in the 18th, or 19th-century, and Daniel Radcliffe’s character is sent to go investigate a haunted house. I don’t remember why. I watched this film yesterday. Spoiler… You do have to suspend all your disbelief, probably as with any horror film, and in the end, he has to reunite a scary ghost with the ghost’s dead baby brother. Ridiculous, I know, but I was entertained enough to give this film three stars.