Spring Breakers


This film was terrible.  I really thought going into it, that this was a comedy, boy, was I surprised.  In fact, I would say that it borders on being a horror flick.  I was also surprised that Selina Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens are in it.  James Franco was also in it and he had undergone a complete transformation to play the part of “Alien”.  I would not have recognized him.   The plot of this film, if there is one, was terrible.  The female gang really made no sense to me.  I mean why did they only want to party, and who wants to party all the time?  I’ll tell you who, these idiotic bimbos.  Selena Gomez’s’ character was the only one that has an inkling of any sense.  Without going into the details, the ending was terrible, and open-ended. I would not recommend this film to anybody.


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